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Jocelyn McGregor: Mantle
16 January 2022 — 20 February 2022
Mantle is the first major solo exhibition of work by Jocelyn McGregor. McGregor’s work involves sculpture, installation and animation. Taking inspiration from folklore, surrealism and supernatural fiction, she dismantles the ways in which female identity is associated with nature, the home and the machine. McGregor finds parallels between the treatment of the body in horror films and her everyday lived experience of the female body which is often visually dissected to be valued and judged. In McGregor’s work a monstrous and fragmented body comes back to haunt the viewer.
If you want to learn more about the exhibition check the Castlefield Gallery website:
If you want to learn more about the artist Jocelyn McGregor, check out her website:
13/01/22 Castlefield Gallery, Manchester U.K.